Quality of Well-Being Scale – Self Administered (QWB-SA)

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  • Use of QWB-SA - $1000/year
  • Each QWB-SA Administration (both partial and completed administration) - $0.25
  • Options for Scoring -
    • HSRC Scoring - $57/hr.
      • It is less expensive to do larger and fewer batches, and the total amount of time generally depends on the quality of the questionnaires (# of markouts, how clearly the forms are filled out, how dark the ink is, how many markouts exist, how many fields the machine can not read and thus must be hand verified, etc.)
      • We would provide either an SPSS or Excel file at the end, with scores.
    • Purchase Scoring Algorithm - $240.
      • This is SPSS syntax and would allow you to run the syntax on data you enter into an SPSS file.
    • Scoring Instructions - free of charge.
      • This will occur after a signed copyright agreement is received.
      • Of course, this requires that you data enter and score all QWB-SAs yourself.